

公开大学中央办公室管理硕士毕业证书毕业生, 作为克拉克斯顿社区学校的负责人,瑞安关注学生的成功.

肖恩·瑞安是克拉克斯顿社区学校(CCS)的负责人。, 他自2018年5月以来一直担任该职位.

作为克拉克斯顿社区学校的负责人, Shawn Ryan collaborates with his team of faculty 和 staff to orchestrate all facets of instruction 和 operations with a focus on student achievement.

马科姆县, Macomb, Clarkston, Shawn Ryan, COA, Central Office Administration, certificate



Superintendent Shawn Ryan during his remarks at Clarkston High School's boys basketball coach's retirement celebration.

公开大学校友肖恩·瑞安的父母都是教育工作者, 影响了他选择教育作为职业的决定.

“I was connected to the importance 和 power of the learning process from an early age,瑞恩说。. “There’s an amazing opportunity in education to form relationships 和 build capacity 和 opportunity for children in an incredibly meaningful way. To be in a vocation where you build-up children to pursue their dreams is incredibly rewarding.”

Ryan is superintendent of Clarkston Community Schools (CCS), 他自2018年5月以来一直担任该职位. 2010年至2017年任副警司. 瑞安的整个职业生涯都在CCS度过, 1995年开始担任客座教师, 然后是学生老师和科学老师. 然后,他首先进入了学校管理部门, as assistant principal at Clarkston High School to principal at Clarkston Middle School 和 then Clarkston Junior High School’s principal.

作为CCS主管, he collaborates with his team of faculty 和 staff to orchestrate all facets of instruction 和 operations with a focus on student achievement. 这个地区有7个,7所小学的300名学生, 一所中学, 一所初中和一所高中. CCS还有一所另类高中——文艺复兴高中——和一个幼儿中心.


“我喜欢与CCS的学生和教育工作者接触. As superintendent, I support those roles 和 continue to improve the learning process,” he said. “我坚信学习是一生的追求, 和, 作为教育者, 我们不仅要学习自己,还要在学习的过程中帮助他人.”

永远学习的人进入了开放大学 中央办公室行政(COA)硕士后证书 在2018年提高自己的技能,完善自己的知识基础.

“我有几年在中央办公室工作的经验, but it’s easy to fall into ruts or perhaps not consider new ways of doing things — until you need to evaluate how others complete the same tasks 和 h和le situations differently,瑞恩说。.

Ryan says OU’s COA program provided opportunities to bring real-world challenges into a form, to engage with other educational leaders to exchange ideas as well as challenge his thinking to address problem-solving potential to further thinking 和 innovation. 而且,他补充道,这里的教职工——无论是前任还是现任的中央办公室管理人员——都是一流的.

“OU’s COA program is highly regarded by my superintendent colleagues 和 school boards,瑞恩说。. “The program was succinctly tied to the complex disciplines critical to school district operation. 队列模型是一个强大的组成部分. 它创建了一个团队, so we navigated the program together — providing support 和 opportunity to build a professional network of relationships while also using the collective thinking of the team throughout the program.”

一旦瑞恩完成了COA项目, he applied those credits toward OU’s doctoral program in organizational leadership in which he’s now enrolled.

约翰Lucido, 地区行政服务助理总监, 说由于瑞安的领导,CCS是一个大家庭.

“He leads by example 和 cares deeply for every employee 和 student in our district,” Lucido said. “Shawn has not only made CCS a place I am proud to work for but a district I want my family to be a part of.”

Gary Kaul, principal of Clarkston High School, started his career with Ryan as student teachers.

“我没有遇到过很多人,他们的动机我从不明确质疑,”考尔说. “肖恩就是其中之一. 他从内心引导.”

Ryan created 和 leads a monthly roundtable with district parents in a parent advisory team (PAT). PAT成员Theresa Fabrizio将Ryan描述为CCS的伟大领导者.

“肖恩有一种独特的脚踏实地、平易近人的能力, allowing deep discussion 和 challenging questions 和 concerns to be addressed in an open 和 caring manner, 并且渴望找到问题的根源并找到解决办法,法布里齐奥说. “他以行动来领导, being accountable 和 delegating responsibly to the incredible team he has assembled for our district.”

玛丽Herzenstiel, 一位PAT成员和一位地区客座教师, 说瑞安有很多有效的领导才能.

“作为一个家长,我最欣赏的是他是一个优秀的沟通者,”Herzenstiel说. “肖恩鼓励家长在我们的会议上表达他们的观点. 他是个很好的倾听者. 和, he shares stories of his own public- school years 和 the trials 和 rewards of being a busy parent to his four children which makes him relatable to the parents in our district.”

Ryan expresses that central office leaders 和 all educators play an important role in preparing children for the future.

“The work we do in education truly invests our best in our children 和 provides an inter-generational bond that propels our society 和 the world forward,瑞恩说。.


In 2010, he spearheaded 一所中学/junior high reconfiguration — a restructuring that reduced the district budget by $10 million. 2016年,他帮助通过了一项7600万美元的技术和设施更新债券. 和, he revitalized the district’s focus on broader social-emotional needs of children through new program initiatives like Whole Child 和 Leader in Me. He’s also been instrumental in the introduction of improved co-curricular opportunities in all elementary schools, 在整个学区增加了教学技术和阅读教练.

但, the father of four — along with his wife Gina — shares his most meaningful moments as a superintendent revolve around working directly with teachers 和 students.

“Taking time to engage in the learning process 和 be part of classroom instruction is an important 和 rewarding part of what I do,瑞恩说。. “与行动保持近距离是具有挑战性的,但也会带来难以置信的回报. 我也很感激有机会建立一个更大的教育社区. The partnerships 和 anchor nature of a school district provide excellent opportunities for both the school system 和 community to grow in unison.”

Shawn Ryan和学生们
Clarkston Community Schools Superintendent Shawn Ryan shown here with some of his students prior to the p和emic.

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School administrators can become more effective central-office leaders with OU’s 12-month post-master’s graduate certificate. 信息可在6月2日星期二下午4:30的COA虚拟信息会上获得.m. -通过手机,电脑或平板电脑轻松连接. 项目协调员博士. 苏珊娜·克莱因将用大约20分钟的时间分享节目信息和特色, 然后是交互式Q&A.

注册后, attendees will receive a confirmation email with login instructions 和 a link to join the online session through Webex. Those who register 和 login to the COA virtual event will receive an application charge waiver code.

欲了解更多信息和注册,请联系Cheryl Rhodey,学生成功协调员,在 oumacomb@oakl和.edu.
